• The construction of the Biobank for Cancer and Rare Diseases was realized within the project “Bioford – Systemic public infrastructure – Biobank for Cancer and Rare Diseases”. It was the first project in Slovakia focused on systemic biobanking and preparation of suitable infrastructure.
  • Through the implementation of the activities of the project, which was led by the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin in 2020-2024, the topics of biobanking, quality, standard work procedures according to strict international standards, setting up the management and sustainability of biobanking, the possibility of informed consent for donors were opened, discussed, and established in Slovakia. Great emphasis was placed on the security of the information system and the protection of patient data with regard to ethical, legal, and social aspects. Legislative documents for the inclusion of biobanking in the relevant laws were prepared and the integration of the Slovak Republic into the prestigious international consortium BBMRI-ERIC was predicted.
  • The project managers participated in several professional lectures and training sessions on the effective management of biobanks and the use of the innovative potential of biobanks in translational medicine. International partnerships were also established and other Slovak institutions joined the cooperation with the Consortium. This created an excellent basis for high-quality science and innovation and opened up space for international cooperation leading to the improvement of research and services provided, such as targeted diagnostics, personalized medicine, or effective preventive measures.
  • This created an excellent basis for high-quality science and innovation and opened up space for international cooperation leading to the improvement of research and provided services, such as targeted diagnostics, personalized medicine, or effective preventive measures.


PROJECT NAME: System public infrastructure – Biobank for cancer and rare diseases


RECIPIENT: Comenius University in Bratislava, the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin

MAIN GOAL OF THE PROJECT: Expansion and completion of research and innovation infrastructure and capacities for the development of excellence in the field of biobanking and its integration into the international network of research infrastructures.


  • construction of research and innovation infrastructure
  • excellent biobank research
  • depository of biological samples
  • precision medicine
  • biotechnological innovations



Comenius University in Bratislava – the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin

Activity 1: Building a systemic research infrastructure of a biobank for cancer and rare diseases. Development and implementation of criteria for the collection of biological material from the healthy population and patients, including the introduction of these standards into legislation, support of partners in the creation of tissue and sample registry departments.

  • Establish and maintain biobanking of biological tissue samples in the form of isolation of living cells and derivation from cell lines. Unique cell models will be prepared from rare forms of tumors (3D tumor lines from pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors using our own protocol), tumor lines (2D and 3D) from pancreatic adenocarcinomas and other types of tumors. The established protocol for the isolation of stem cells by induced pluripotency procedures from skin biopsies of patients with neurodegenerative diseases will allow us to biobank even rare, non-cancerous tissue samples in the form of actively dividing stem cells and precursors.
  • Establish and maintain archiving of DNA samples as well as other biological material from patients with congenital immune disorders. The methodology of independent research is built to ensure complex genetic diagnostics, through whole-exome sequencing, or using the possibility of gene chips or panels including approximately 450 genes related to the immune system, its functions and regulation.


Comenius University in Bratislava – the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava

Activity 2: Establishing a biobank of organoids of selected cancer diseases.

  • Introduce 3D bioprinting methodology and prepare 3D models with precisely defined architecture of the tumor and its microenvironment for the study of mutual communication between the stromal component and tumor cells.
  • To verify the usability of these models in diagnosis, prognostication, as well as testing of new treatment procedures.
The University of Zilina

Activity 3: Data analysis of samples of biological material in the context of the integration and information environment of biobanking.

  • To create such methods and algorithms that will be able to effectively describe and classify multidimensional medical data. Development of applications for management and visualization of analysed data with the support of databases and ontologies.
  • Integrate and harmonize the IT systems of individual workplaces involved in the biobank system.
The National Institute of Rheumatic Diseases

Activity 4: Creation of a peripheral biobank unit at the National Institute of Rheumatic Diseases in Piešťany.

  • Establish a biobank unit at the National Institute of Rheumatic Diseases which will be used for long-term, future monitoring of patients with alkaptonuria and other rheumatic diseases. At a minimum, the protocol for the prospective study will include the collection, storage, and analysis of demographic data, medical history, physical examinations, medications, haematological and biochemical data, radiographic and ultrasonographic results, DNA, serum and urine samples.
Biomedical Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Activity 5: Research of molecular markers of selected oncological and hereditary diseases.

  • Research on biomarkers of response to antitumor treatment in patients with urogenital tumors will be aimed at identifying new biomarkers using molecular profiling with genomics and transcriptomics methods. Cell line models of urogenital malignancies will be developed from patient tumor tissues, which will allow testing different types of treatment.
  • Genomic analysis of patients with selected rare hereditary diseases focusing on monogenic diabetes, primary mitochondriopathies, monogenic neurological diseases, and sensorineural hearing impairment. In addition to confirming the monogenic form of the disease at the DNA level, the analysis and identification of new mutations and their functional molecular-biological characterization aimed at determining the degree of pathogenicity will take place.
The National Oncological Institute

Activity 6: Identification of specific biomarkers of selected cancer diseases.

  • To identify biomarkers associated with the spread of tumors and resistance to treatment in selected cancer diseases (breast cancer, colorectal cancer, testicular cancer, and pancreatic cancer). Circulating tumor cells are the primary focus. Expression profiling using cDNA microarray and microRNA array belongs to high-performance technologies with the possibility to investigate changes in gene and protein expression levels on a large scale.
  • To identify biomarkers for the selection of patients who are candidates for metastasectomy.
  • Establish tissue banks and cell primocultures from selected tumors.
The Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic

Activity 7: Complex coordination and support for the creation of a system infrastructure for biobanking.

  • Prepare and implement legislative and non-legislative adjustments supporting the development of excellent research in the field of biomedicine, including setting up systemic biobanking.
  • Integrate Slovakia into important European structures supporting biomedical research such as BBMRI-ERIC, ECRIN, etc.
  • Establish and strengthen platforms that support the improvement of the quality of the results of biomedical research and development to improve their application in practice.
The Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Activity 8: Evaluation of socio-economic effects of the biobank.

  • On the basis of the proposed model of the biobank, implement an ex-ante assessment of the impact of the biobank on biomedical research, but also on the health system. The ex-ante evaluation will also focus on selected direct and indirect effects for Slovak society and economy.  At the same time, this assessment will also bring recommendations for maximizing the positive effects of the biobank and ensuring long-term sustainability.

Project „Systemic Public Research Infrastructure – Biobank for Cancer and Rare Diseases“, ITMS2014+: 313011AFG5 is implemented within the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure and is co-financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund.

Biobank for Cancer and Rare Diseases
Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin
Comenius University in Bratislava

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